Eye Drops

For treatment of glaucoma

• Acculol 0.5% eye drops
(betaxolol hydrochloride eye drops 0.5%)

• Optimol  5% eye drops
(timolol maleate 0.5%)



For treatment of allergy

• Allerex eye drops
(antazoline hydrochloride 5% and tetrahydrozoline 4%)





For treatment of dry eye

• Cool Eye eye drops
(hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose 0.3%)





Antibiotic alone or with corticosteroid

• Aflacin eye drops
(ofloxacin 0.3%)

• Framoptic eye drops
(framycetin sulfate 5%)

• Dexoptic – N eye drops
(dexamethasone  1% with neomycin sulphate 5%)

• Framoptic – D eye drops
(framycetin sulphate 5% with dexamethasone sodium phosphate 0.05%)

•Maxisporin eye drop
(neomycin sulphate 0.5% with polymixin B 0.5% and dexamethasone sodium phosphate 0.5%)



Other products

• Atropine eye drops
• Homatropine eye drops
• Sodium chloride 0.9% eye drops
• Sodium chloride 5.0% eye drops
• Tropicamide eye drops
• Primax eye drops