Welcome to Allipharm UK
Allipharm (UK) limited is a company that in essence provides pharmaceutical services worldwide.
Allipharm tailors service delivery in response to the environment in which it operates. The versatility of the functions of Allipharm (UK) limited is testified by the company’s performance in diverse markets from well developed country such as the UK and developing countries such as Ghana and Sierra Leone.
Operations in the United Kingdom
In the UK, Allipharm offers pharmaceutical services ranging from community pharmacy practice to consultancy services for GP Clinical commissioning groups.
In community pharmacy, services offered by Allipharm include clinical services such as patient medication use review, new medicine service, stop smoking service in addition to the traditional functions of community pharmacy.
Allipharm supports greater clinical input from community pharmacy as an integral part of the new healthcare delivery system in the UK.
Allipharm is involved in training pharmacy pre-registration students in responding to symptoms and health promotion
In General medical Practice
With general medical practice, Allipharm provides medicine management services, either directly to the GP practice or through the primary care trust (PCT) or emerging Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
In practices, Allipharm undertakes tertiary patient medication reviews with special focus on the elderly and patients with a considerable number of medicines as well as the design and implementation of prescribing protocols in GP surgeries.
Allipharm provides enhanced medicines management by providing independent prescribing service for patients with hypertension.
Allipharm undertakes prescribing audits in line with quality outcome framework (QoF) under the GMS contract, and effective medicines procurement under the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) agenda – a key NHS reform agenda.
Allipharm offers consultancy services to CCGs on medicines management issues and facilitates rational prescribing within the group.
Allipharm advocates an effective interface between GP and community pharmacy in terms of patient pathway for chronic disease to maximise the intellectual and skills potential that can be so beneficial to patients in particular and the health economy in general.
Work in developing and under developed world
In the developing world, Allipharm’s main objective of providing service is achieved by making available top quality products at affordable prices for people in developing and under developed countries. We deal with suppliers that on the main do share such ethos.
In every country, Allipharm endeavours to use the existing system by forming partnership with like minded companies that have an aim to improve and serve the population.
In markets where Allipharm is well established, it has set up distribution system to try to cover the whole country. The idea is that all the range of products that Allipharm provides should be brought closer to the people, not just those products with high demand and high profit margins.
Always putting something back
No matter how difficult the economic climate is Allipharm does its best to put something back into the country that it serves.
In Ghana, Allipharm sponsors training of ophthalmological nurses by paying full tuition fees for the duration of the course.
Allipharm undertakes workshops and seminar; the O’Neil lectures. To disseminate relevant current information in eye care and to share good practice among eye care workers throughout the country.
Allipharm supports eye health in Ghana and is a strong advocate and lead in placing emphasis on preventative and primary eye care.
Public health agenda
Allipharm has a public health agenda, to enlighten members of the public on basic knowledge about chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. One approach to this end is the 16 series articles ‘VALU-HEALTH in the nation newspaper in Ghana on diabetes. The series is going to be run in Sierra Leone as well.
Where are we now
Allipharm is fully operational in Ghana and Sierra Leone. Allipharm has presence in Nigeria and authorisation for operation is well advanced for the vitamin, supplement and mineral range VALUPAK in Nigeria.
Allipharm has marketing authorisation for VALUPAK range of vitamins in Boukina-Faso and work on operation is ongoing.
There is exploratory work being done in Cote d’Ivory and Liberia.
Thank you
Patrick Kofi Karikari